Mission, Vision & Values


We help you enhance your learning journey with blended and game-based solutions, driving educational innovation.


To be a global leader in transforming how people learn across corporate and public sectors through blended and engaging experiences, achieved via partnerships and customization.


Novelty and Innovation

We are trend hunters and transfer last trends of corporate and public learning into the reality. We are actively seeking and participating the newest development through multidisciplinary conferences, publications, public discussions, round tables with Academia.

Integration through Customization

Integrated: Our games can be integrated into various formats such as training, courses, webinars, microlearning or blended learning programs.
Tailor-made for you: Our team of experienced trainers and methodologists adapt each game perfectly to the individual needs and goals of your company.

Growth through Partnerships

Our goal: your growth! We remain adaptable and focused on helping you achieve your goals.

NRG New Real Goal Values